Sunday, October 14, 2012


Today there was a question that was asked of my youth group kids who I have been a leader with for about a year now. We asked how do you want to die? You should have seen the look on these kids faces I swear it looked like you asked them the all mighty question that could never be answered as if it was a math problem.  They were confused and quite shocked by the question asked. It was the first time my kids actually knew the meaning of silence.

We got some interesting answers not many though. Then I remembered a book I did a teaching on many years ago. The book was called "since nobody's perfect how good is good enough?" And like it says in this book there in lies the question. At the begining of this book the author and his sunday school kids are having a converation on how you get to heaven. So he asks he kids well wounder if I paint the church, cut the church grass every sunday, volunteer to feed the homeless, go help the elderly once a week, go cook for someone who is ill and the answer all the kids gave for every single one was NO. So he asked then how do you get to heaven? One kid raised his hand and said (Let me remind you this kids are probably about my age now when the book was written or close) "Well you have to be dead!" Well the kid is right you have to be dead. But being the generation I am I ask the question is it even possible to actually know your going there?

So here is my thought wait for it I really dont know. I know heres the thought then why are you writing this blog entry. Well cause I hope that though writting this I can figure it out.

I was having a converation today about how we know what Gods plan is and we dont. EVER. Thats the beauty of this world God has a plan but yet we dont know what that is! But I feel like God puts us on the path we are on to stabaleize our thoughts. God say hey Ryan go this way! I ask why and I feel like I get the do as I say not as I do. Or just do it cause I'm God and thats cool with me I know th power of God I dont try and test it.

So I feel like God has a plan for everything. so I guess what I have realised is that the best way to die is how God wants us to die. Its all part of this master plan he has for us. So I guess after watching the begining of the latest star trek movie I would want to dies knowing I saved people. The greatest honor would be knowing I died to save somone else from themselves. I feel like all this will happen eventually. But in the mean time I want to try and save as many people I can weather or not they are still part of my life for a reason. I feel like some people look at me like im crazy for wanting to help. The truth is I will do anything for anyone as far as I can and that is true worship.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How do you know

I have been in many deep conversation about love and life in the past few days. I have come to realise that only God really knows when everything will happen. This weekend instead of doing what my usaual has been and going to a bar and talking to people and eventually God comes about. Well I decided I was going to see my uncle one day and when I wanted people to call me about things they didnt but when I was busy people were calling me like crazy. It is pretty amazing work of God to be able to let the people who need help get the help. But it brings me to think about the hindu religion and how they believe in good karma. Well I dont believe that it is this so called karma. I believe if you are helping other people when its your time there will be people to help you get through this rough patch in your life. Anyway I am getting off topic.

I have been talking with some friends alot about relationships. I myself just resently broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago we were dating for almost 2 years. One of my mentors says he was proud of me. I felt like God was telling me Ryan if your not happy leave so its what I did. I wasnt married or had a child with her and I well the moment I got my chance I took it. One night she called me selfish because she wasnt getting to see me because I was working going to school trying to finish up an intership and just trying to get in the word every day. My internship was at my church this summer. I learned alot about what happens when people are blinded by things. But when she said I was selfish God said Ryan this is your chance to get out of living this sin and this lie you call a relationship. So I did and strange enough it worked and I have never felt so good to get out of a relationship ever.

One of my Mentors is very good at finding people soul mates. I am not lying most of his friends are together because of him. So one night we were out and he introduced me to one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen (for me). I was stunned by her beauty I couldnt even speak I was in shock. Well ever since then my buddy has been looking unintentionally for me for the past few weeks. He said he met this lovely lady who was a believer in christ and she loved his ministries which is perfect for me lol. He is telling me about her and how she is about an 11 on a scale of 1-10. I was so shocked by this. He said Ryan this one will take time. And I thought but dont we all have to wait for the right person. My problem has always been how do you know who is right for you.

Here is the thought from a guy who has thought he has known with about 6 girls that they were the one. Well we dont really know its all from God. He puts it in our hearts when we see the person for the first time we see things that no one else does. I can tell you that I have been wrong so many times. I have made mistakes about telling someone I was close to I loved them because I wasnt in the right frame of mind. I regret that because we no longer have the close friendship we did and well I know I am dumb. But when that person comes in our life we want to never let that person go. But we know we both have lifes we have to live bills to pay and of course stuff to do. I know what my perfect significant other is like I am just waiting for god to tell me its ok to act and take that person on a date and start courting for marraige. I want to be able to haev a relationship that isnt based on extracuricular activites. Most if not all my relationships have been. I have changed that and understand its Gods will and I have to do what he wants from me. People believe life is about Sex, Drugs, Alchol and sports. Well heres a question if you think that; Why are you taking status and stake in a momentary status? But then a quick response is to have kids and get married. Which God wants us to do!! But he wants it to be biblical. THAT MEANS NO SEX BEFORE MARRAIGE!!! I am guilty of it so dont feel like I am damming you to hell if you did. We are humans when we left the garden of eden we left and open ourself up to the devil. The devil dwells and trys to tempt us all the time I know I have seen it and been through it.

To sum up when ever the question arises "How do you know?" Just think well I dont only God does. But no matter what the sittuation is we can be equiped with tools we need to follow through with things or help people in a situation.  This week has been one of those weeks of was I doing the right thing and I made sure I asked god about it before I made any final judgement on things. he puts things in our lifes because he wants us to understand that he loves us and will help us in what ever we need help with. But we need to ask God is loving and all knowing we need to trust and have the holy spirt with us at all times otherwise we will father in to badness that what needs to be.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Starting over

So for the past few week I have been going though this phase I call starting over. The biggest part was how do I start. Well the first thing I wanted to do was repent for things I have done in my past that I know was against God. I have been trying new and different things that are just something that I have never done.

The first was be in the word every day even if its reading the KLove verse of the day which is pretty cool. Second I started to hang out with a good friend of mine who is one of my Mentors (I have two and I love that God has put them in my life because they are always challenging me to do more that I think I can); I have gone to bars clubs and places that most Christians call the pits of hell or places where the devil dwells.

Well let me tell you about all this it is not an easy thing to do especially when you are young in your faith. God is forgiving because I will admit I have screwed up time and time again. But I am always forgiven because he is a forgiving God. I don't want people to think that I am boasting about the things I do I am not. I want people to try and follow my thoughts because they are not always the same as what comes out.

Another thing I do is I talk to more people then ever before and what does the conversation usually go to you ask? Well I always talk about God but never right off the bat. Even Christians are not receptive to the welcome of do you know Jesus. People can be very turned off or stand offish towards you. One of my favorite things I do is I love going to stores and talking to people about what ever catches my eye. Well I am a guy and we are very stereotypical if we tend to look at girls most guys look in lust others are looking for a soul mate. So like today for instance I was at a Halloween store with a friend who wanted opinions about what she was trying on. Well I ended up talking to the manager who was a very attractive woman and I loved the way she was dressed because her goal was not to make guys go gaga over her. But she had eyes that any guy would if he ever looked at her other than a girl who is a manager at a Halloween store. We started talking about how I needed to be supportive of my friend and tell her what she looks pretty in. I was like um no I am a bad shopper I am not her boyfriend I am just a friend. She went on talking about how she makes her guy friends come with her shopping because she feels self conscious. So I asked her why she really couldnt come up with an answer. (fyi she is a size 0 in most stores)

One thing I have begun to notice with starting over is that the world is not going where it honestly shold be. Her was a girl that was small and pettite but yet she was self conscious about herself. Why does the norm for women be a size 0? What ever happend to marylnn monroe being ideal women. Do people even realize that she was a size 14? The world is a very disterbing place and people need to change and be receptive to hearing about God. And suprisingly the people that dont want to hear it are the ones that are in churches or schools or in the general public. But you know where they are if you make friends first? They are at bars and clubs I am not and expert but I have seen things that some people would never believe in the past few weeks.

The thing that has helped me get through is the fact that I know I can always talked to God about important things in my life. Like figuring out what to eat before I leave lol. But seriously besides God I have some great people in my life that I can not believe are even here with me as a friend it is all done buy God.

I am not writing this for personal gain or just to rant. I know it may look like it but this is what came to mind. I hope I can start some interesting comments on this.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Last social media blog

So here is my third and final blog on social media in churches I have had a great time just talking about this subject. It has become such a blessing for me to step back and really look at what social media in my church has done to some of our church goers at West Ridge Community Church in Elgin. It has been amazing to look and see how the leaders, as well as myself, in the church have used social media.
From what I can tell social media really is the future of not only my church but in other churches as well. As I have posted in previous blogs, many churches have begun using social media as a tool to reach out to their parishioners.  One of our pastors has even started a Facebook page, so that people have a place to go to see upcoming events and other important church announcements.
A recent event at the church was an event that I set up for the student ministries.  I worked with the students for a fundraising event at Culvers restaurant for a mission trip to Detroit at the end of the summer.  I have to admit that if it wasn’t for Facebook and email, many people probably wouldn’t have had any idea about this fundraising endeavor.  So thanks to the use of social media, the fundraiser went off extremely well.
All in all, I believe that social media is not something that churches can ignore any longer, because the pros of using social media outweigh the cons.  I would tell any church leader I know that social media is an absolute must if they want to get their parishioners more involved.  If you need any proof as to how well it works, just look at the work social media has done for the West Ridge Community Church.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Social Media in Churches #3

Here is entry number three on social media in churches. Since I have talked about different churches other than mine, I began to focus more on how my church deals with the social media. My last blog talked about how I use social media with my youth group. I am an intern at West Ridge Community Church in Elgin, IL and this is why I have been writing on social media in churches. I have enjoyed working with the students in this group and keeping up with them on Facebook. With that being said, Adam, the groups pastor, and I wanted to communicate to our students that the power at our cabin was out. ComEd, our power company supplier said that they would send our electric bills to our cabin mail box but, unfortunately, no one checks the cabin mail box. We did not know that ComEd decided to change the mailing address after many years of sending the bill to the church. So Adam and I decided that we needed to make a funny video about why the power went out. We knew the mail box for the cabin had to go and the only way to get rid of it was to take it out of the ground. So Adam recorded me taking the mail box out of the ground to make sure no one ever sent mail to it again. This is the video I have connected with my blog and how we told our youth group students about the tragedy that struck.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Social media continued

            So here I am again talking about social media in Church’s. Last time I talked about why churches are using social media, now I will just talk about my church in particular. My church is west ridge community church. West ridge has been my home church since about 2008. I have watched the church use different form of communication to communicate with people, when I first started their email was there main form of communication. Which we still use email as a form. But for us a lot of our younger parishioners use facebook more than we can imagine. With me being a part of the student ministry facebook is how I communicate with most if not all my students in some way shape or form. Without facebook I would not have any communication with my students other than their youth group nights. But just having a facebook makes me a cool person in their minds because I am someone older that they look up to. It is very interesting to be able to communicate with my students on facebook because I see and hear things that I either do not need to hear or it may be something I will have to bring up to them when I see them. So having and using social media with the church and the youth group is very much a life saver to help not only my students but other parishioners.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Social Media in Church's

So here on my first blog ever I will be talking about how church's use social media. Well to begin some church's still stray away from social media and there I believe is a reason for doing so. Some church's like a catholic church don't believe in all the new technology they don't believe in a lot of things. But that is not what I am here to talk about. Social media has become more popular as in the past ten years or so. In my opinion social media is what keeps a lot of the church in contact. There are so many people these day that have to work Sunday's because we are a money hungry society. This a problem with me some weekends. But if it wasn't for things like face book or just a web page I wouldn't know what was going on at church. With out the use of social media during the process of a week church goers forget about the Church. So having a page for them to go to is a big thing for some people to keep in touch as well as seeing what is coming up next. Without social media there will be many people who wont even try to get involved. Theses days the volunteer is turning into a more see able future for the Church. So In my opinion social media is the most use full thing in churches today.Facebook Page for West Ridge Community Church
West Ridge Church Main Page