Sunday, September 30, 2012

Starting over

So for the past few week I have been going though this phase I call starting over. The biggest part was how do I start. Well the first thing I wanted to do was repent for things I have done in my past that I know was against God. I have been trying new and different things that are just something that I have never done.

The first was be in the word every day even if its reading the KLove verse of the day which is pretty cool. Second I started to hang out with a good friend of mine who is one of my Mentors (I have two and I love that God has put them in my life because they are always challenging me to do more that I think I can); I have gone to bars clubs and places that most Christians call the pits of hell or places where the devil dwells.

Well let me tell you about all this it is not an easy thing to do especially when you are young in your faith. God is forgiving because I will admit I have screwed up time and time again. But I am always forgiven because he is a forgiving God. I don't want people to think that I am boasting about the things I do I am not. I want people to try and follow my thoughts because they are not always the same as what comes out.

Another thing I do is I talk to more people then ever before and what does the conversation usually go to you ask? Well I always talk about God but never right off the bat. Even Christians are not receptive to the welcome of do you know Jesus. People can be very turned off or stand offish towards you. One of my favorite things I do is I love going to stores and talking to people about what ever catches my eye. Well I am a guy and we are very stereotypical if we tend to look at girls most guys look in lust others are looking for a soul mate. So like today for instance I was at a Halloween store with a friend who wanted opinions about what she was trying on. Well I ended up talking to the manager who was a very attractive woman and I loved the way she was dressed because her goal was not to make guys go gaga over her. But she had eyes that any guy would if he ever looked at her other than a girl who is a manager at a Halloween store. We started talking about how I needed to be supportive of my friend and tell her what she looks pretty in. I was like um no I am a bad shopper I am not her boyfriend I am just a friend. She went on talking about how she makes her guy friends come with her shopping because she feels self conscious. So I asked her why she really couldnt come up with an answer. (fyi she is a size 0 in most stores)

One thing I have begun to notice with starting over is that the world is not going where it honestly shold be. Her was a girl that was small and pettite but yet she was self conscious about herself. Why does the norm for women be a size 0? What ever happend to marylnn monroe being ideal women. Do people even realize that she was a size 14? The world is a very disterbing place and people need to change and be receptive to hearing about God. And suprisingly the people that dont want to hear it are the ones that are in churches or schools or in the general public. But you know where they are if you make friends first? They are at bars and clubs I am not and expert but I have seen things that some people would never believe in the past few weeks.

The thing that has helped me get through is the fact that I know I can always talked to God about important things in my life. Like figuring out what to eat before I leave lol. But seriously besides God I have some great people in my life that I can not believe are even here with me as a friend it is all done buy God.

I am not writing this for personal gain or just to rant. I know it may look like it but this is what came to mind. I hope I can start some interesting comments on this.


  1. Nice blog post Ryan. Keep doing the Lord's work! :)

  2. Thanks for doing the blog, it's interesting to read! My sister is a great example of someone who is a size 0 and things she's huge. I've learned to be happy with how I am, but do struggle with it at times. Keep talking to people and showing them who God is through you!
