Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Social media continued

            So here I am again talking about social media in Church’s. Last time I talked about why churches are using social media, now I will just talk about my church in particular. My church is west ridge community church. West ridge has been my home church since about 2008. I have watched the church use different form of communication to communicate with people, when I first started their email was there main form of communication. Which we still use email as a form. But for us a lot of our younger parishioners use facebook more than we can imagine. With me being a part of the student ministry facebook is how I communicate with most if not all my students in some way shape or form. Without facebook I would not have any communication with my students other than their youth group nights. But just having a facebook makes me a cool person in their minds because I am someone older that they look up to. It is very interesting to be able to communicate with my students on facebook because I see and hear things that I either do not need to hear or it may be something I will have to bring up to them when I see them. So having and using social media with the church and the youth group is very much a life saver to help not only my students but other parishioners.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Social Media in Church's

So here on my first blog ever I will be talking about how church's use social media. Well to begin some church's still stray away from social media and there I believe is a reason for doing so. Some church's like a catholic church don't believe in all the new technology they don't believe in a lot of things. But that is not what I am here to talk about. Social media has become more popular as in the past ten years or so. In my opinion social media is what keeps a lot of the church in contact. There are so many people these day that have to work Sunday's because we are a money hungry society. This a problem with me some weekends. But if it wasn't for things like face book or just a web page I wouldn't know what was going on at church. With out the use of social media during the process of a week church goers forget about the Church. So having a page for them to go to is a big thing for some people to keep in touch as well as seeing what is coming up next. Without social media there will be many people who wont even try to get involved. Theses days the volunteer is turning into a more see able future for the Church. So In my opinion social media is the most use full thing in churches today.Facebook Page for West Ridge Community Church
West Ridge Church Main Page