Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Life theses days

Well I know its been awhile since I wrote a blog but today I have a topic a lot of people can relate to. Well I wanted to talk about something that has hit close before with myself as well as friends.

So one thing that comes to mind is that we are run by money. Money is the source of evil but yet we still want it, crave it, we hate it, we despise it and yet we love it with all our hearts. In today's world we need it so bad when we need something. For instance need to go to the doctor, eat, clean clothes, new clothes, and what about transportation. We all have similar needs to get through. (I will say this a lot in my post) We all need money! This world has gotten crazy with the amount of money we need to do things. It is putting people and family's in debt because bills accumulate. I myself personally have a small education loan I am pay off. Now I say its small and let me tell you $6000 is. I have friends who will accumulate with out interest more than $40,000 in 4 years. Now my loan personally will take me about 10 years at the rate I am paying it off. Is this worth it? Is having this much school loans worth it. What I always hear you want a better life and make a lot of money you have to go to school. Well what about teachers or musicians if they go to school look at there debts. There are people that were told they are going to get a job and start your career right out of school. Well I have to laugh at this. I have friends who are engineers there out of school but yet no job. HMMM we all need money so where is it?

My grandmother was a single parent and did the best she could with what she knew how to do. She worked for it! My mom, aunt and uncles needed braces she went to work for guy who could do it. Not a lot of people say they have worked for what they have she could. My grandmother has/had a saying "If someone is sick get them better. Worry about the bills later!" As an adult living with my parents we live by that. We don't realise what are parents really did for us until we have to go through it ourselves. As a kid I always thought the same as every kid "there doing this cause they hate me!" Well they don't hate you just want the best and teach you values and about life without you having to learn the hard way like they did. No one is perfect either our our parents, grandparents, friends, aunt, uncles and significant others. The truth is everyone wants to do it better than the person before them. But if no one says I cant we would have a lot more people doing and coming up with new things.

Back to this topic of money. The one thing I have noticed is a lot of people have to work a few jobs to pay the bills. Well I have talked to a few people lately and some are saying close to the same things. We both work to much, My wife says I am never home, I don't know my kids, and What happened? Its a scary thing that's happening today. People are working so much they get accustomed to a certain life style for there family. Why? "Because we have bills, and my family has grown to this life style." But here is a question. Is it worth your family not knowing each other? Is getting that special game system for your kids worth not putting it into a bill? Think about this if you didn't have those big expenses you might be able to work less, pay off other bills right? If all that goes to plan then that means more time with the family right? The most important time is a kids life is when they are younger right? No they need a parent all there life! Sorry just part doesn't cut it. Theses people who jump off the ship and leave the other parent by themselves to raise kids. Well your a horrible person. Sorry! A kid needs to know who there parents are at all times. There are to many kids now a days whose parents get up and leave cause its to hard or the other person works to much.

I met a guy recently whose wife left him cause he was never home. Well he was never home cause he had work. He is running a pretty large business by himself. But she has the nice car, house and stuff. Well honey let me tell you something you want him home more it might mean you don't have that stuff. Well I want it. Here is the underlining problem yet again "WE NEED MONEY!" I hope one day we all realise money doesn't by happiness. So if it doesn't by happiness why are we working 72 hours a week plus? Where is the time for the kids who need someone to tell them they are loved?

I have kids that I work with that they rarely ever see there parents and they have no idea what job there parents are working at what time. It makes me cry to know that kids have to go through that. Fortunately I had a mom who only worked nights a day our 2 a week after I was born. She hated working still does. She wants to be able to see her kids, her friends kids and there kids. My mom loves kids especially her own. But other peoples kids she can only handle in small doses. My dad who has worked hard and a lot all of his life. Love kids too not as much as my mom. He is the type of person who will tell the parents wow your kid is pretty annoying cause you make them be quite I am trying to watch TV. He is the person I look up to when it comes to anything he worked hard and was there when we needed him. But he did travel a lot but it was because we needed money to live. So unfortunately in this world it is a necessary evil that on this earth. But remember we wont need it when we pass on. But is it worth losing yourself or your kids?

I hope I didn't upset anyone by writing this but I feel like I was suppose to because as I was writing I was noticing things I never did before. Thanks mom and dad for the things I never understand.